Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR


Sometimes if you really think about how a piece of fruit grows from a tiny flower on a tree it will stun your mind.   Nature is truly amazing.

Traveling day tomorrow.  The truck is packed except for the cooler and we are ready to drive west for 15 days.   We are taking the dog to my son's home in North Carolina so we don't have to deal with her in hotels and at the private home we will be staying at for a few days.   

We will be leaving wonderful fall weather in the 70s and 50s.  I decided to not even bring my plants inside until I get back home.  They will have some rain and sunshine while we are gone.

However, the day we arrive at our destination the high temperature for the day will be 25F and snow flurries!  The low will be below 0!   The next day the sun shines but the temperatures will be the same until the weekend when it warms up just a 40F during the day and in the teens at night!

 Jerry has already said he will probably not go out hunting until mid morning.     Maybe it will be above zero then!!      What an adventure this might be!   All for the love of hunting an elk!  

Men are weird.  That is all! 

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