Devil's Teeth, Senya Island, Norway

I'm on the second largest island in Norway, close to the polar circle ... fantastic!

Am feeling loads better.  We set out on a day trip at 10.30, and the landscape was predominantly white.  This looks more like winter than autumn, but I've been told that this is really autumn, and winter is a lot colder but also dryer.  We cut through the island in the middle -- The ABO is in the east -- and visited some fjords in the northwest.  This particular spot is what has been dubbed 'the photographer's paradise', and I could see why.  Two extras ...

After the sightseeing bit, we had an extremely late lunch at about 14.30, and then back to the resort (not 'resort' as in 'beach resort') where I had a longer talk with AW, finished the genealogy info, then crashed back in bed because we'll have an early start tomorrow -- I'm joining the group to Tromso!

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