Casa Amarela

Woke up to sunshine pouring into our cozy room, that's a screen that Paula has used as a bedhead. The bliss of a night in a clean, tidy room, with a "proper" bathroom nextdoor... 

Got up early to try to see Coimbra, as the car troubles meant we got there too late last night, but really only managed a quick walk onto the bridge across the Mondego, somewhere Mike knew very well when we married 33 years ago; he spent the year we were engaged here learning Portuguese in preparation, we thought, for working in Angola...

- that Mike's fix has worked long enough to get us all home safely
- calling in on the Anemas, and seeing Jan rolling in seed because it's rained enough there for him to plant
- taking the Team to see the Almendres Cromlech, it was dark, but that made it more fun, really

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