The search for Atlantis

Fortunately I already know where it is, not much more than a brisk 10-15 minute walk downhill from our house. Had my second gym session this afternoon and shall probably make a point of going twice a week. 

The Millenium Garden from where I took the photograph was something that I had a hand in when it was first created, as Arduaine supplied several mature shrubs for it. I have done some volunteering there and advising on what could be done to bring it back to life again, suggesting a number of plants that would be suitable, but one of the committee ladies insisted that it would be better to get a professional gardening company in to do the planting. 

Whoever they are I won't be employing them! The garden is a mess, unweeded and uncared for, with broken fences and damaged signs. Oh well - I did offer!

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