
By Undercovercairo

New arrival

Meet Layan, Sarah’s first baby, born mid September. She was happy to snuggle for a long time. When I was here in Feb Sarah and I went out for the day, but she got sick, and was tired.. very early days.. a difficult pregnancy and not the best husband a girl could wish for but she’s staying strong. And her parents are amazing. I visited her at home today. Interesting drive in an average middle class area, which, to our Western eyes, wouldn’t look so middle class. But nicely furnished on the inside. A simple stone building, five or six floors. No lift. More than 30 years old. No glass on the windows in the stairwell.
A lovely morning.
I’d started the day with a swim, staying in the hotel where I used to go swimming when I lived here. Nice to see the staff again. Barrioboy’s driver then picked me up; he misses them this year.
The afternoon was spent with former colleagues. Lots of surprise, hugs, stories. Are you coming back they asked? Come, they said. So nice to be back chatting to others.
Over the river to Zamalek for a quick manicure at the Nail Factory. A popular place for the hip and cool. A minimalist, simple interior, a small place, concrete, 3 tables, and technicians popping in and out. I liked it. A walk, window shopping and dinner at the Thai. They don’t sell beer now. It seemed different, but was the same. Wednesday night and Zamalek was unusually quiet. More police I think. A bit less life. I did some Christmas shopping - my nephew’s standing order - white t shirts..
then back to the hotel. A busy day, with only three hours sleep given my late/early arrival. Time for bed.

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