
I'm very much enjoying the 'electrogoth' album 'Quarter Turns Over A Living Line' by Raime, despite being a late adopter (and with thanks to middleman and nostatic.) It's a bit like music made from the slowed down and deconstructed elements of blaxploitation soundtracks (though I was listening to it on the bus to Ollerton this morning so I might have been feeling a driving North in the fog, Red Riding kind of a vibe.) Strangely fascinating like a lump of polished jet you can turn round in your hand and examine from different angles...

Also, musical thoughts from yesterday: I'm no real fan of Radiohead, though I've nothing against nasal whining per se. They're just a bit too Coldplay sometimes for my tastes (evidence for the prosecution: 'High and Dry.') That said, the bit in 'Karma Police' where Thom Y asks the KP to arrest the fellow who "buzzes like a fridge" because he's "like a de-tuned radio" arguably justifies the hype on it's own. A key Rock moment from the last century.

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