
3years 83days

After 1,179 nights, we are going to spend the first night not beside each other. Katie's having her first stay over without mummy. Shes with victoria, so couldn't be better looked after or happier, but she pulled a fairly serious guilt trip this morning, and boy do I feel it. However when it came to it, she gave me a kiss, cuddle, a smile and a wave.

I've had three gorgeous photos sent already- she's had a little sleep and woke up happily. She has been for a run on the beach and stamped in rock pool puddles. It took negotiating apparently to get her into any socks. She's got a thing about being completely bare foot. Last I heard, they were going for lunch - Katie was photographed beaming in a kiddy ride- and are heading for a swim. She's going to be spoilt rotten today.

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