Gitama's World

By Gitama

Horizon @Pottsville

The fires are bad......I am worried about my friends who have had to evacuate their lovely houses to find a safer place to be at this time.
The fact that we are already on an enforced evacuation doesn't really help..... as much as I love the coast I would much rather be at home right now.
We thought that this week was gonna be such a lovely holiday for us all especially Peter who has been with us through this crazy time every step......but what with all this smoke and the heat we have had to spend time......not at the beach...the best laid plans n all.

We do however manage to get down to the coast later in the afternoons.
Yesterday P and I explored an area I had never been before and we found a path out to the was gorgeous........a beach nearly empty of humans little pristine beaches just along the river before it flows into the ocean. Peter got a good dunking as a wave sneaked up on him whilst he was taking pics...just a bit wet.......and I practiced a bit of ICM sitting on a rock just enjoying being very much.....there really is nothing like being by the seaside...all cares seems to vanish and it is just oneself (and a friend if one is about) and the blue wobbly thing doing what it does best.

We took home fish n chips for tea and it was an early night for me I was pooped.

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