City Lights / Fragile

Azymuth - Tudo Que Voce Podia Ser

It's funny, despite getting older, I think people become more fragile. A bizarre idea I know, but allow me to illustrate. By and large, a person becomes more mature and develops a complex network of mental reasoning, governed by societal mores, rules, ethics, etc. However, as the web becomes thicker, so does the filter to one's emotions and how they are stimulated by it. Wondering whether or not your gestures or actions have credence or are perceived by other people comes from a developed sense of empathy and a supposed understanding of "the other", ie. people at large, your neighbour or your very best friend and companion. The child that once was who knows no barrier but the purity of their own heart and feeling no longer just reaches out and takes but rather retracts and rethinks. Conversely, a mentally undeveloped person (not a handicapped person) but rather a person who does not understand the intracies of social interaction could react rather unfavourably when reciprocated negatively to their whims.

In more ways than one, people remain rather delicate. A person who has been hurt in the past becomes harder, but underneath the shell lies a vulnerable membrane of pure soul that is forever scarred and can perhaps be never fully healed. Every move this person makes is one with armoured defence; scared to make a decision that will once again burn.

It's a bizarre perspective that perhaps dictates a lot of people motives for who they are now, but we are who we are and the truth of our desires is forever fighting the armoured shell of pain. We can never break free.

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