Something new

Deep in a very dark and rainy patch of Norway Spruce plantation, Chris and I spotted something which could have been a tiny alien landing craft, with a dark brown capsule on top of four stout legs. 

But it was just one of the fungi we'd come to find, a Four-rayed Earthstar - a new species for both of us, so rather fitting for the Tiny Tuesday challenge. There were also plenty of Sessile Earthstars, much paler and more squat-looking, and either one or two other species that I haven't named yet.

After an exciting morning I've had a rather slow afternoon. Ben had his first early morning shift, and although he got up very quietly, I also woke up at about 3.45 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep. I'm sure we'll both soon get used to the new schedule - at least it's only twice a week. Despite feeling tired I managed to bake a loaf and the Christmas cake, which has just come out of the oven and smells delicious! 

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