The rest of forever...

By DrMac

So you asked for something a little different...

Yup, my photos have become a little dull since I got home. Dogs. Dogs. More dogs. So here is part of my dinner. Any ideas what it is?

Got up and headed to Nottingham this morning for the six-month measurements. Body fat at 14.25%. Good stuff. Now to develop some more muscles! Into Waitrose to pick up some essentials for next week and then into Lincoln. Laptop is officially poorly. They have no idea why it doesn't work. So, as you suggested, I'll get Dad to reboot it next weekend and see what happens! In the meantime, I'm putting my camera memory card into the iPad to get my photos on blip. Thank god for the iPad!

This evening - planning my training. I have five months to look like a proper goddess! And tomorrow is Freya's christening and Debs has asked me to come with my camera in hand. Happy to oblige!

Sleep tight darlin.x

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