Ice Covered

It must have been pretty nippy overnight as my pond had a full covering of ice this morning; so I took some pictures of it and the frost on the fir cones and the cotoneaster (all of which you can find over HERE).

Not much of interest happened today - apart from the garage door coming out of the runner on one side (it has lost a wheel apparently). That was fun getting back in place. Now I will have to track down some kind of repair kit.

My time at the lathe was not very enjoyable - things just didn't go well and a lid I was making has disappeared behind some stuff and is going to be a real pain to try and retrieve. At least it went away from me rather than doing me any damage. Which is more than can be said for the tailgate of the car which didn't open properly this evening and has taken a chunk of my scalp. There wasn't even a consolation at the camera club ….. we got beaten by Mid Lothian.

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