Gummy Bear

Here is Amie posing to show all her missing teeth! Seven I think at the last count!!

Johnny has been to footie with Papa today as Daddy was working all day and didn't get in til 5pm.....and he is working again tomorrow!!

Katie and Megan had swimming. Katie was super duper in the water today and managed to swim 2/3 of the breadth of the pool with no aids although Jodie was in the water beside her but wasn't touching her!! Well done Katie! Megan worked hard too today in rookie lifeguard too.

Back home this afternoon and I finished shuffling the beds!! Daddy was a little cross that I didn't wait for him but he was at work all day and I was on a mission!!! Still got to "gut and clean" all the rooms but we have made a head start and everyone is in their "new" bed tonight!

One of our wall cabinet doors in the kitchen "fell and bounced" across the kitchen floor this afternoon.....glad no one was underneath that cupboard. Have taken pictures and will be sending them to the builder as they had previously been out to fix this cupboard.....but obviously not correctly me thinks!!

Enjoy your evening.


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