Very little changed.

Half the cooker died. This is a job I could have done over the phone - BUT - it was an excuse to get over the doorstep & become a trifle less stir-crazy. Thanks to Blip I was able to back-track & find the kitchen was fitted in early 2009. I shot up to the firm who fit it; only to discover fitting ≠ repairing, I might have guessed of course, but I did come away with the manufacturer's phone number.
In truth I seldom use the bigger of the two ovens these days but there are occasions when it's needed. A conversation revealed it to be stuck on "auto" and a new clock seems to be the answer.
The view, I'd guess, it virtually identical to what Alice & I saw all those years ago - except for the addition of an "e-car" charging station; causing a comical idea to surface.
IF you have a "Petrol pump" and a "Diesel pump", does that make this an "electricity pump"?

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