Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...Got my eye on you!

I took a bunch of photos out in the yard today and didn't really like any of them, so then I thought to myself... "self, you haven't blipped either of the cats for awhile...maybe you out to give it a try." Resulting in another bunch of shots, most of them rubbish. Phoebe wouldn't look at the camera and Rocket was busy napping. Finally, Rock got a little annoyed with me and gave me the look - you know about this, right? This is the look that says "woman, I've got one nerve left and you just got on it." He gave me a zoomy yawn and then licked his chops before returning to his nap...

I went to a small market that some of our farms do on Saturdays and got some beautiful Brussels sprouts (still on the stalk, I love that), kale, duck eggs and lamb chops. I plan to have the lamb, sprouts and kale tomorrow night as a welcome home dinner for hubs. I love the idea of buying local products and am so glad that the farming community is puts on a year-round market. I was actually surprised that they are still picking kale and Brussels sprouts in January but the farmer that had the produce said that because we haven't had sustained nightime temps below 20, both crops are still viable. Amazing.

I am going to watch Dolphin Tale tonight - been meaning to watch it for awhile now and seems like a good night for it.

Thank you for your lovely and heartfelt comments about my MIL. It continues to amaze me how many people are affected by dementia or Alzheimer's. There are two things I would like to see in my lifetime - better early detection of cancer and a cure for Alzheimer's. Would that be too much to hope for?


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