It Started Down Under

By dirk


This morning I went to the beach on my own to get a tan and it worked!!!
I did some swimming and relaxing in the sand. Enjoyed myself in the sun.

This afternoon I just relaxed at "home" and helped my great-aunt Ria to get rid of some ants. Then just before dinner we had visitors: Jacky, Ashley and Alex dropped by to say hi. I played a game of pool against Ashley and won!

Later Josh and Dave arrived for dinner. We had wortelstamppot with hasjé. I really enjoyed that. Afterwards Josh had to do some study so we said goodbye. Then Dave taught me and Ria how to play Mahjongg according to the most simple rules.

Then Dave went off to get Hannah and when they got back I played a few games of pool against her as well. Had a lot of laughs due to lack of skill.

Now i'm getting ready to go back to bed for my last day in Perth until the end of April.

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