Teaching & Learning space

Look at what they've done to the classrooms at Canterbury Christ Church University! Isn't this ace? The screen and whiteboards are to the left of this shot, i.e. the comfy chairs are at the front of the room. This is room ng09 but I had a quick scootle in ng01 and that's the same. I had an OU tutorial there this morning and we enjoyed sitting around the table to chat about algorithmic thinking and semantics & syntax and planning a program. Then we wove together our ideas and some magic and created the programs.

I aimed to grab my groceries at Sainsbury's in Ashford on the way home but there was a very long queue up the road just to get into their (mahoosive) car park so I went to Sainsbury's at Allington instead - and then to the little Tesco near home to pick up the things that I realised I'd not got once I'd set off home. Mainly fresh herbs because I've got a small chicken for tomorrow so I've got some tarragon and rosemary and coriander (which isn't for the chicken but I'm planning on a Greek salad with cold chicken on Monday).

I've ordered my Christmas present to myself, it should be here midweek and I'm pretty sure that it'll appear here for your delectation........ 

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