Doe a Deer

Last night on TV we watched 'Salvage Hunters' which went round lots of antiques shops in Petworth - apparently Petworth is the antiques capital of the South and has become a major destination for antiques dealers and buyers across the globe.  Of course, I visit Petworth for the deer park, and although I've driven through the village, I've never looked round the shops, so today we decided to have a combined visit.

We went to the deer park first as it was sunny, and I didn't want to risk leaving it until later in case it clouded over, which it did while we were there, so it was a good call!  The rut is definitely over now, and the stags were very relaxed so I was able to get reasonably close (I do always stay at a safe distance though).  There was a very cute youngster who didn't seem to be bothered about me being there, which I've added to my extras.

We wandered back through the park and went back to the car to change out of our muddy walking shoes, and then we went into the village which really is very quaint - lots of little cobbled streets and lots of antique shops.  After having a wander, we had lunch at a little deli, and then went to the Petworth Antiques Market which was on the TV programme and saw some the items they were looking at, I thought it must have been filmed recently as they were wearing poppies.  At one of the smaller shops, they had a window full of Christmas decorations and there was a little wooden bear with 2000 engraved into it's body  As Alan and I met in 2000 I thought it would be a nice momento of our first Christmas together, so I went inside to ask how much it was - there wasn't a price on it, so the lady said I could have it for £1.00, needless to say, I bought it.

Before heading home we went into Petworth House, but there were only a few rooms open to the public so we didn't spend long in there.  We had a vets appointment for the boys at 5.30pm, or so I thought - when we got there the clinic was closed and when I looked at their website it said they close at 4pm on Saturdays.  Its very strange as when I phoned up on Thursday to ask for a Saturday appointment, this is what I was offered, I'm thinking she may have had her calendar on the wrong day.  It's not a problem as it was only a routine appointment about their itchy skin, but I just hope we don't get charged for a missed appointment, as obviously the receptionist has booked us in on a different day.  I'll have to call them on Monday.

I made a homemade curry for dinner, which was very nice, even if I do say so myself :-)  Tonight, we're just chilling, but yet again I feel like this cold/cough is coming out,  I wish I could shake it off! 

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