Flowers still bloom

Another day, another, well bit of gentle gardening - the enjoyable sort where you snip away at dead stuff and generally tidy up.
And later we headed out. Begob, but that got me cross. All my tranquility up in flames, Travelling up town has become a nightmare, Bits of Leith are closed (only till 2021), then the buses were diverted at Leith Street via Abbeyhill and then… the Christmas Market has opened. Oh joy … one hour and thirty minutes after leaving Fisherman’s Row we were deposited across from the Cameo and managed to leg it into the cinema just as doors were closing.
Sorry We Missed You, Ken Loach’s latest. A pretty unrelentingly bleak watch, which of course is what the audience have come for. To show solidarity with those working in the gig economy. Those who actually work in shitty underpaid jobs wouldn’t be so stupid as to waste their hard earned money watching it.

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