Blaeberry Hill

Despite reading till after midnight I woke at 3.45 and knowing we had to be up at 6 to head to Whitley Bay to look after poorly James meant I didn’t get back to sleep. Mr C was a superstar and said he’d go alone. James can be hard work so I didn’t protest. Nor did I get back to sleep.

I ploughed on with the book but the IMac crashed and the screen went black while I was using Photo. It would not even turn on or off. I switched it on and off at the plug and it came to life. Nothing had been lost thankfully.

I decided a bit of air might be in order so set off to meet Ailie on the moor, halfway between our villages. I’m not a fan of flags, but this Northumbrian one was fluttering so gaily from the cairn at the top of the hill that I blipped it.

We walked 9000 steps. I took an avocado in my pocket as Ailie was going to make us lunch so we had it on toast when we got to her house. She drove me back and gave me some calming natural remedy capsules so hopefully I’ll get a better night.

James seems much better today though so many children have the bug they might be closing the school.

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