Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

Metro to Tallawong

Talla .. where? I do admit that I had never heard of this suburb either but somebody must believe in the place because the new Sydney Metro system finishes up there. Not only that but they built this elaborate suspension bridge across Windsor Road in order for the trains to reach it.

I suspect that Tallawong's real strength lies in the fact that it really IS nowhere in particular, allowing plenty of available space to domicile the entire metro fleet of trains and maintenance facilities cheaply.

Aaanyway Norma and I were taking our second ever trip on the metro - at least that part of the extensive rapid transport system which has opened to date, that being from Chatswood (Sydney's shopping and commercial satellite hub, north of the harbour) to the aforementioned village in the metropolitan far north west ... somewhere. Most of the metro system is buried deep underground (see extras) but out here the run is along some very expensive elevated track.

In the far distant future the metro may replace much of the present inner suburban heavy rail infrastructure altogether - but for now the two systems are intended to complement each other with routes under construction (or planned) for deep under the harbour through Barangaroo, across the inner city, out to Bankstown, Parramatta and all sorts of other places.

This was near the middle of the day and our train seemed almost deserted. (see extras). Maybe no one wants to go to Tallawong - perish the thought. In any case, I was standing in the very front carriage where a driver might normally sit except that on these trains everything is automated and there ARE no drivers. Hence a keen photographer gets an uninterrupted view ahead of the track environment sliding rapidly past. I just wish SOMEBODY WOULD CLEAN THAT WINDOW.

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