Sea Air

I slept ok last night, only waking up a few times, and stayed in bed until about 11.30am, managed to have a shower and got dressed with Alan’s help. He’s working from home at the moment which is good.

As part of my recovery I plan to go out for a walk each day, weather permitting, so this afternoon I strapped my arm into the sling and walked down to the coast road, along the cliff top and back home. It felt good to be out and there’s nothing quite like the sea air, although I was tired when I got back and kept nodding off, but that’s fine, my body is recovering.

On the whole I feel brighter than yesterday so hopefully each day will get better, I’m very bruised and swollen though and my range of movement isn’t great, but I’ve got gentle exercises to do and will start physio next week.

Anyway it’s the weekend, have a good one!

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