2011 photo resolution

By karenanya

Urban sunset

Very busy class at BodyPump this morning. Hardly room to move and we ran out of weights.

Decided to cycle into town after lunch to take back a few things that didn't fit or I'd had second thoughts about. Quite cold but an interesting ride. For an urban area, my bird count was quite high - green wooodpecker, jay, swans, black swans, Canada geese, other as yet unidentified geese, ducks, coots, gulls, cormorants, feral pigeons and a grebe. No heron today.

Got back up the hill near home just as the sun was setting. The sky was an impressive colour. Couldn't get an angle without the urban street furniture.

Off to see Les Miserables tonight. It is one of my favourite books. I got hooked on the story when I was recovering from glandular fever as a teenager and was only doing half days at school. Radio 4 dramatised it as the afternoon serial and it got me hooked. I've seen the stage musical a couple of times and I'm looking forward to seeing the film version. Son number one narrowly escaped being called Marius.....common sense did prevail in the end.

Now wondering if the snow will actually appear overnight or tomorrow. A snowy blip might be in order.

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