In da Rainforest

After Shetland being the driest in the UK, we paid for it today!  Heavy rain poured all day, with lighter showers tonight.  The wind fairly picked up tonight.  It's been a dark and dull day.

With the poor day, it was a lazy morning around the house.  I borrowed a car again, and headed out west for a run.  Me, mam and Elise headed into town to see sister Laura in hospital, and I also saw Madeline too.  I managed a good walk about Scalloway this evening, Sammy was in much need of it.  Lazy night by the fire now.

Headed west, hoping for a dry spell to walk Sammy, no such luck, but we managed a walk in the trees, and them giving us a bit of shelter.  The forest floor was soaking, and so were the trees, a real Shetland rainforest today!  Taken in the Kergord Forest, with Kergord House (Flemington House) to the right.  

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