
By MikeWest

The Last Guard

Like the musketeers, four reed stems on their last legs are all that remain to protect the view of the bank behind. I liked the light tones of grass visible through the darker trees which help to create depth to the image. The much brighter reeds stand out against the darker backdrop creating a light/dark/light alternation.

I tried to emphasize the tonal contrasts to bring out those variations in LR by burning a few areas with a brush. I used Fuji's Classic Chrome profile here which is characterised by "low colour saturation and full bodied tones". Usually I keep the Provia/standard simulation which my camera is set to rather than any of the Adobe profiles, but I have been experimenting with others from Fuji recently. In this case I preferred the less saturated result of Classic Chrome because it seems to suit the cold environment.

I also posted for yesterday today.

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