
By Houseonahill6

On the run

Some sun for a while in the morning and then it disappeared and not expected to be seen again until Thursday. It was soo dark for the rest of the day so the lights had to be on to see anything.It was getting windy too which always excites the horses.
Stressful organising Brownies tonight as one by one my helpers dropped out.I knew G would not be coming as she was helping on a school trip, S was at Parents evening, then C was not well, H had hockey and then O had a maths test so could only help at the first group and finally E’s sister was not well so did not come either ! Luckily one of the Mum’s who is a Rainbow leader was free so we could go ahead !
We started the Mindfulness badge, thinking of 10 things we were grateful for, there were some interesting and varied answers . I was glad to see Brownies making an appearance along side chocolate, water and family ;)
We made mini broomsticks and Hedwig / snowman baubles.We thought about what makes a friend special and stuck post it’s of what our friends meant to us on their backs.
We finished a bit early . Just one more session in the Hall before Christmas !

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