
By Houseonahill6

Sunset , Beauly Firth

We waited in all morning for Mikes Passport but by 1 o clock it had not arrived so we gave up and popped out for a couple of hours.
We picked up some rolls and vegetable soup and went down to North Kessock and parked near the Community Centre to drink it looking out across the Firth. A heron took off, it’s wings almost clipping the surface of the water.
We had a walk along the shore , under the bridge and along the road.
Lots of gold crests in one of the trees, calling to each other with their high pitch tweeting.Several more herons at the waters edge and one roosting in the tall pine tree. plenty of curlews too, a red shank and a family of wigeon.
A Robin followed us along and wrens chased each other in the hedgerows. The two horses were enjoying eating the leaves and did not come over to say hello this time. Lots of the dead old elms have been taken down at the end of the road , covered in ivy and rotten through the middle, they’ll make a nice home for many creatures.
The sun was beginning to set , it was only 3pm. We drove down the shore road, having to stop as a bull, cow and two calves must have escaped and were walking down the road. We saw the border collie and the farmers car in the field but no Farmer. I did not really think about it at the time , I was expecting to see more cows further down thinking the farmer was moving them to another field , but now hoping that he/she was ok .
Stopped at the farm shop for veg on the way home. The moon looked huge as it rose above a clump of trees.
Our plan to get a take away for dinner did not work out as both the local restaurants were closed so we had a ham salad instead.

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