Leeeedill !!

The trip to Lidl! Oh what fun. Dates and Turkish delight and mini-stollen (though they weren’t easy to find). And even a bottle of real champagne for less than twelve quid. But it wasn’t all fun. I cleaned the upstairs windows too. Well, just the front ones. 
Then out to that Scotsman Cinema for a marathon viewing of the 210 minute (that’s three and a half hours…!) long film that is The Irishman. I mean, we could have watched it at home on Netflix and had toilet breaks and mini-stollen and everything. 
But… I’m so glad we went to see it at the cinema  - what a stunning, mesmerising film it is. I don’t think my eyes left the screen for a single frame. And some of it may be very slow: I have no idea. Terrific. Tell you what is slow though… ha, Robert de Niro trying to walk like a young man - youthification may have got him looking forty again, but watching him beat up the greengrocer and trying not to lose his balance while managing to lift a leg and attempt a kick was unintentionally very funnnee indeed. 
Found it!

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