Just looking..

By ccleeve

23 months and a day.

Can't believe that he'll be two next month - where has the time (and my little newborn) gone! It was a pretty grey morning, and cold, so we dressed D up in bright colours and warm things for a trip to the playground. He was most interested in the ambulance we passed and the echoes of the bridge we walked under on the way. At the playground he didn't want to go on the small slide/swings but was quite interested in this spider and a tube where you talk into one end and can be heard at another some distance away. Came home and after lunch and a nap we made gingerbread men together. D had fun tipping flour between containers (and on the table/floor) whilst I got on with the recipe!

He's had a horrible cold this weekend, but has been pretty cheerful so we've had a good time together... just wish there was another day in the weekend!

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