... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Indoor Blip: Raku Ross'sling?

Cuter curves in large

I just received these utterly adorable Raku snow geese (crafted by Nathalie Hamill in Oxfordshire)... I couldn't resist them as the one on the right so reminded me of the Ross'sling, and I love their cute dancing shapes and characterful cracked glaze...
I've been having computer trouble (dead screen) which has killed my photo motivation, but I'm now back in action with an external monitor until the problem is resolved; I've just back blipped entries since Saturday (right from Mum at Milk).

Others here (or right from Raku snow geese)
p.s. If photos look odd, I'm having to use an uncalibrated screen until usual screen is replaced under warranty...

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