Ho Ho Ho!

We woke up to another lovely, frosty morning, so I asked Alan if we could go to Biddulph Grange Gardens which is a National Trust property, on our way home.

After breakfast Alan packed the car, and it was after 11am by the time we got on the road, but we were at the gardens before midday. I particularly wanted to show Alan the Chinese Gardens, but the highlight of our visit was when I turned and saw Father Christmas walking towards us waving. He was with his elf and wished us a happy Christmas before posing for a photo with me, which I’ve added to my extras.

We spent about an hour there and then set off on our journey back to Brighton. The traffic’s heavy and we’ve still got 2 hours to go, but hopefully we’ll be home by 6.30pm. Laura left the boys at 4.15pm so they’ll be fine until we get home.

It’s been a lovely few days visiting our family, and it’s done me good. As for my arm, the pain seems to be subsiding, it’s just stiff when I wake up in the morning, and I think the movement is improving, although there’s still a way to go.

Anyway I’ll now try and catch up with you with you while we’re sat in traffic. Hope you’ve had a good weekend!

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