Return to the North

By Viking


Well after a week off sick with a cold I am now seriously limping! Goodness knows what I have done. One morning last weekend as I got out of bed I stumbled and arched my back rather painfully. I suspect without realising it I have also twisted my right knee! (The back pain rather startled me). Even though I have spent the last week either in bed or close to it my knee has been giving me gip. Yesterday I thought I would be able to walk it off but suspect I have only made it worse! Which is just FABULOUS (as Craig Revell Horwood would say) because tomorrow I am going into a school in Leeds to see about a temp job that will take me through to the summer. Now I will look like a 90 year old crock going!
The sunset looked like it was going to be a beauty so staggered from the house to the end of the road to get a shot without houses in.
Love cold clear winter days

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