Making Memories

By LeighFamily

Anxious Annie...

The battle is real...

On the outside, everything seems fine. But inside my head, the war rages on more intensely. The overload of thoughts streaming down into my body, causing my heart to race faster than ever. The weight of worry squeezing into every slither of freedom in my chest. The bitter waters pooling behind my eyes.

Anxiety is a real struggle and people in general, just don't get it. It is the most common mental health condition and can be severely debilitating if left to develop, starting and constructing itself in many different forms.

My own anxiety is social, which is why this morning really took me off guard. I don't deal with new social interactions very well - not in my head at least. This can be from group meetings with new people based on common interests all the way to simply making a phone call to the electric company to discuss tariffs. Strangely however, put someone I've never met before in the driving seat of my car and I will teach them as if I invented driving myself?!

This morning I woke with a tight chest, racing heart and overwhelmed mind. I know it was a dream which triggered this - that or being woken by Dominic suddenly - but I have no doubt in my mind it was anxiety attacking me from within.

No logic...
No rationale...
No sense...

But all the same, very real to me...

Anyway, happy festive tree assembly day!

Happy Days!!!

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