Making Memories

By LeighFamily


Busy day today!

My stepdad came across from Birmingham - the man is an absolute legend in my eyes. For the last 31 years he has been my dad, taking on the responsibility when I was just two years old.

We had to abandon him for an hour unfortunately, as we had an appointment with a potential primary school for Elliott - the school and head teacher seem fantastic and Elliott did enjoy playing in the Foundation class' sandpit. On telling Elliott we were leaving, one of the children immediately tried to give him a hug - unfortunately, Elliott isn't a people person at the moment and loves his personal space!

This evening I assisted in the kitchen, under Vicky's strict supervision, preparing the evening meal. A classic, homemade, lentil cottage pie with homemade sticky toffee pudding and custard - the latter being today's photo. My stepdad, Martin, had the new Elmlea (vegan) Double Cream to accompany his dessert.

We all thoroughly enjoyed it, although the after-meal cleanup was somewhat extensive...

Happy Days!!!

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