Secret Weapon

Two things have infuriated me today.  One is the fact that JJ decided I needed more desk space and built me a shelf between the "big cupboard" (another story) and the wall, and where the printer fits perfectly.  Since moving the darned thing, it rarely works and of course on the day when I really, really need it, no amount of trying has got it to work and I have basically told JJ to ……… off and leave me alone.

The other thing that has really p...… me off is the political football regarding the early release of that piece of rubbish who murdered those young people in London on Friday.  Let the families grieve and wait until after the election to sort out what appears to be the mess of the justice system created by both the main parties.  Do not use it for political gain or I won't vote.  I am so ANGRY.

JJ's secret weapon is his jet sprayer.

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