Ice Dancing

I had a physio appointment at lunch time, so as it was another sunny day I walked down to the coast road to catch the bus to the marina. Judit was pleased with the improvement in my range of movement, although there’s still a long way to go. She did a bit of manipulation and gave me some more exercises to do, and I’ve made another appointment to see her next Thursday. The only concerning thing is that over the last few days more forearm as been feeling quite tender and is exceedingly bruised, yet I haven’t banged it. I asked Judit if she thought it could be pressure from the sling, but she said it could be gravity and the bruising transferring down the arm. But the bruising had already cleared up, so I’ll keep my eye on it.

I then caught a bus into town and met Chrissy at the ice rink, where we sat and had a catch up over a hot chocolate and a coffee. My hot chocolate had a dash of dark rum in it, and very nice it was too!

I caught the bus home, stopped off at Dapper Dogs to get some food for the boys and arranged for it to be delivered (which they do free of charge locally), as I couldn’t carry it.

Dinner is now on ready for when Alan gets in - my batch cooking has worked really well and to be honest I think I should do this more often!

Oh and I advertised my iPhone 7 and sold it within about 20 minutes of placing the advert! I now wonder if it was too cheap, but I got more than Apple would have given me as a trade in, and more than one of the phone banks, so I’m happy.

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