A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Sunsets and successful studying

"Today you have hope, not because you've gotten stronger and wiser, but because God's grace is everything he declared it to be" (Paul David Tripp - on his Twitter)

It isn't often that I manage to finish a planned day of studying before the sun has set...or during the winter anyway.

5 hours in uni (instead of the 6 I thought I might need) saw the writing of around 1,000 words and the reaching of the lit-review-mostly-written-by-end-of-intersemester-break target.

At last! I still have a few wee bits to add to my literature review and it is going to take a fair amount of polishing and some reference adding, however for the moment I think I can focus on starting to think about my research proposal. Just as well seeing as I have to prepare a presentation on that very thing for next week and currently have not a notion what my proposal is going to look like.

So yea, productive day :)

After 5 hours of mostly being in the same study carrel/cupboard I was very ready for some fresh air. So shuttle bus back to the flat, books dumped and a wander along to the Fort to buy something for dinner.

And a phone call to mum along the way, of course!

"Grace = God's unrelenting commitment to deliver every resource you need to be what you're supposed to be and do what you're called to do." - Paul David Tripp (on his Twitter today)

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