Sunrise over the Mekong Delta

I woke early to take the opportunity of finding a sunrise.  I crept out through the wooden building past the dogs lying on the floor.  Some cockerels were crowing but otherwise it was fairly still and quiet and beautifully warm.  Walking along the pathway to find a view of the river I passed a few houses setting the dogs barking but they quickly stopped as I walked on.  A few people were out cycling along the footpath and some school children walking by.  I found this spot and watched as the sun peeped through briefly.   Then it was back to repeat the walk with my husband and another of our group as it was still early.  

After breakfast which included a plate of pineapple, dragon fruit and dorian we took the boat back to the centre stopping at a market where meat, chickens and ducks, fruit, veg and clothes were on sale.  It was only later that I realised we had eaten the dorian fruit which is known as one of the smelliest fruits and banned from hotels and aircraft.  The part of the fruit we ate wasn't smelly and tasted alright but as I wasn't aware of its speciality at the time I just thought it looked a bit like a piece of pineapple without much flavour.  The boat then cruised past the area of the floating market where the boats have long poles with the items for sale shown on it.  There were boats selling tubers, fruit and bonsai plants but not much was actually open. Apparently since a bridge was built it makes distribution a lot easier by road and people use markets on land more now.

Back on the coach we stopped of at Cao Dai temple which is a very colourful temple mix of religions including Hinduism, Roman Catholic, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and Islam.

Later back in Ho Chi Minh City we had our farewell dinner at a very plush restaurant on the 14th floor.  Of our group most are returning home although we have extended our trip into Cambodia and the 4 Americans have also independently extended theirs into Cambodia and Laos.  It was a lovely evening with great merriment and wonderful food.

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