
A meeting with Red Cross and Caritas this morning, just filling each other in on the past few months. Late morning I made loads of hot chocolate and took that and cake out to the streets - so good to sit and chat with people, with a cup of something hot on this chilly day. What didn’t get finished was put into cups and the guys were going to take them to some other people on the streets.

Asha and I had a few things to do in the shops this afternoon but got caught in a torrential downpour so took shelter in Nude...first mulled wine of the year!

Home and Letesia came over with a delicious smelling chicken stew for the homeless guys - she got straight to work heating it up and dishing it out into the takeout boxes. Lovely to sit with a drink after and natter away.

Today I’m grateful for;
1) A really encouraging Skype with Donald & Cath from our UK church.
2) Letesia putting so much effort into creating something wonderful for our friends.
3) One to one time with Asha.

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