Imagine the view....

By btc

Wren's London: St Andrew's, Holborn...

See you didn't believe me yesterday when I said about St Andrew was putting it about, looks like he has a secret place in Holborn (see LARGE) maybe he used this as his bedroom. (confused? Click to yesterdays blip)

This has been site of worship for at least 1000 years but when the Crypt was excavated in 2001 Roman remains were found so the site could have been in use for much longer still.

St Andrew's survived the fire of London, saved by a last minute change in wind direction, but was already in a bad state of repair and so was rebuilt by Christopher Wren anyway.

It was on this church's steps in 1828 that the surgeon William Marsden found a homeless girl suffering from hypothermia, and sought help for her from one of the nearby hospitals. However, none would take her in, and she died in agony in Marsden's arms; the horror of the experience inspired him to establish the Royal Free Hospital now located in Hampstead. William then set his sights to curing cancer setting up the Royal Marsden Hospital in Chelsea (dirty word).

During the London blitz in 1941, the church was bombed leaving only the exterior walls and Tower, the decision was made to rebuild the church to its original design. It took 20 years for the church to be reopened in 1961.

In 2010 the church's icon of Jesus on a cross was motorised so that it could be raised and lowered for services, tacky?

Thanks for your lovely comments yesterday, especially about my blatant fib, goes to show that journalists are right, neither let the truth get in the way of a good lie.

Also don't worry, I'll be bringing out some of Wren's big hitters soon, not that one though, that is still going last, plus I all these churches are interesting me.

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