My Little Princess.

Have spent quite a bit of time outside today, playing with water.  Today was very warm again.

But we've also spent a fair bit of time inside too.

We ended up playing the Dragon game, which turned into the Fox game.  I used to play this with Isabella on the stairs.  When we would turn the stairs into a castle.

But I decided with 2 of them this was going to be a bit dangerous, so we played it in the upstairs sitting room instead.

We used a big piece of cardboard to make the castle gate.  And we had a great time, fighting off the fox with our pretend swords.  And crawling through the magical forest, stopping by the Christmas tree to ask the Christmas mouse if we could pass.

We took icicles off the tree to fight off the fox, and when that failed we made a bomb to blow him up.  The bomb was made of sherbet, lemonade, and cocoa pops.

Unfortunately, when we blew him up, he turned into 100 foxes, so it did not go to plan.

This game went on for ages and kept evolving. Not sure if I should be teaching them about blowing things up.  But they are using their imagination and it's only a game.

Eventually, we went onto dancing to music.  And had a good run around to Let It Go.

They should sleep well tonight.  So should I!!

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