Feeling better

By Suziep71

Jakey loves playing

I thought that I would blip before I start my twilight shift in just under an hours time.

My hubby has asked me to put salt down on the small drive that we have, wonder if he actually realises how heavy the salt bag is??
It's not because I cant lift it because I am the one who brought it home from the shop. My shoulders wont allow me to hold something that heavy for a long time. Bless him he doesn't always think.

I being me will give it a go coz I'm like that :-)

Well the snow is still here and its cold out there. As I am typing this Jake is trying to get on my knee to see what I am doing. He's scratching at my arm to let me know thats what he wants whereas Sally nuts me with her head. I think that I prefer the nutting especially when its warm as he leaves marks.

Tuesday at work is normally very busy, I am in Ortho to start off with so that will be ok. I'm on with a good friend tonight so that will make it easier. I hope that its the nice night staff on who don't actually have a problem with us leaving on time rather than trying to pull a fast one and making us stay and not liaising with us.

Watch this space.

Good thing that happened today -

I got a picture of Jakey in the snow which is a rarity.

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