
The good thing about a late sunrise is that there's a better chance I'll be able to see it.  That's what happened today and I stood by the window for about 20 minutes taking photo after photo as the sun kept rising and the sky was transformed.  It was magical.  This is my favorite shot, with the bird, of course.

We are starting to catch up on our rainfall now and today was very wet.  I would have preferred to nurse my cold at home, but I was out of cat litter.  So I headed out, did a couple of other errands as well, and arrived home wiped out.  My cold symptoms have improved somewhat - I think using a CPAP machine is beneficial since I breathe in moist air, which is good for my cold.  I'm not sneezing or coughing, so I'm optimistic about having my lunch date tomorrow. As long as we don't hug, we should be okay.

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