Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Wombat Hollow Hide

A lot of the photos I have posted over recent weeks have been taken from the newly refurbished Waratah Room and it has become somewhat of a Bird Hide.  The only problem is, I’m shooting all of my images through glass.  In this photo I have the camera set up with the remote control to see if I can get a sharper image than the hand held ones.  Not that I’m unhappy with what I have been taking of late.  If you look very closely you will see just above the lens the tiny stick that the little wrens land on as they fly out of the Hakea.  It has become a lookout post for them.  To be honest I’m astonished at the shots I have been getting all things considered.  Today I bought myself a Christmas present and hopefully it will allow me to position myself on the lower deck near the main water bowls so that I can get much closer to the bids activity.  I have dibifulco to thank for it because I didn’t even know they existed until Debbi told me about it recently.  I’m pretty excited about the prospect.

Fire Update
I had a call from our Shipley Plateau Rural Fire Service Captain today.  I nearly jumped out of the van because I knew he would only ring if there was a problem.  Turns out the problem was someone has been spreading “Fake News” and had been telling people that they were going to evacuate the whole of Shipley Plateau.  He was very annoyed because there was absolutely no truth in that at all.  He gave me an update very similar to the one isbi gave me yesterday and that was that they have had good conditions generally over the past couple of days and have been putting in vast back burns in the Megalong Valley in the hope that they can stop the fire from advancing.  In his words - “Barb we are all working out guts out” and I know they are.  One of the firies I bumped in the post office yesterday had been out for two weeks fighting the fires and he had only been out of hospital a short time.  They truly do go above and beyond these brave men and women who volunteer in the Rural Fire Service.  Anyway, I’m much happier tonight as I head off to bed.  I know they are doing their very VERY best to keep us safe.  

PS - re: the tripod.  I find it very cumbersome with the little tiny birds because they are so flighty.  It may work for the Black Cockatoos so I’m going to try it when I get my new Hide :)))

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