Friday 13th

Talk about unlucky. Well, unlucky for the many millions of us who didn’t vote for a bellend of the highest calibre. Inexplicably, millions did, so we’re lumped with his gormless Latin-quoting leadership for the next four years. This actually feels worse than the Brexit referendum result. At least the full consequences of that were mired in confusion and uncertainty, as they still are. This time the blithering incompetence is on view for all to see, and has been since 2010. In terms of striving for a society with less suffering and more equality, which is my main driver of being part of a functioning and considerate democracy, we have taken a huge step back.

I have had a headache all day, which is likely not unrelated to the election result. Additionally I was served mussels for lunch when I misunderstood the quoted prato do dia (dish of the day) and was swarmed by ants as I ate. Opposite the office some workers spent the day extracting this truck from the wall it had careered into.

Car crash sums it all up very well really.

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