Dogs that Look like Their Owners...

A lovely moment in Trail House this morning
where we all gathered for coffee after class. We were all gathered last night for dinner at Tobi and Dan’s, but stumbled home loaded with little pots of homemade jam and freshly baked bread for a few hours’ sleep before reconvening in class at eight o’clock this morning.

Those of you who are unhappy with the UK elections, I feel your pain. We’ve been feeling our own pain for three years and it’s not getting any better. In fact, one could argue that it is getting worse what with fruitless impeachment hearings which won’t change anyone’s mind, and the endless parsing and pronouncements of the media.

Still a bit squeamish about open flames in the house, I went to the local shopping center for some very realistic looking battery operated candles, but left empty handed when they turned out to be $50 each.

The rest of the day was spent baking cookies. The Littles will be here tomorrow to decorate them. They aren’t so little anymore , so at 11 and 13 perhaps we should start calling them the Youngers’.

It’s still raining, but I’m still not complaining....At least not out loud....

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