And on the Seventh Day...

...the sun came out (briefly). This was taken next to one of the La Crema vineyards in Windsor. Despite the lovely blue sky emerging, I really liked the picture in mono.

I've never seen vines pruned this way, but they've been done recently and make an interesting picture.I don't really know what a goblin looks like, but these remind me of dancing goblins anyway.

What with Thanksgiving and Meg and Rick's visit we  have missed seeing Kathy for a couple of weeks. She lectured John about not wearing his wrist/thumb brace while pruning and then complaining that that his thumb hurt. She gave me aone to wear while knitting, and I WILL wear it. She gave us both a string of beads which represent 

I certainly hope that today's election in Britain turns out as well as can be expected (like a sick patient) as I expect it will prove to be a harbinger of things to come for us next year. Sometimes I think the patient might just be terminal....the divisions are just too entrenched. 

This doesn't seem to be the most auspicious time of year for an election, but at least the campaign in Britain has been  short compared to ours, which seem to begin on the day after the last election....

We are headed shortly for a party with our Pilates/coffee buddies. at Dan and Tobi's house. I'm looking forward to it....

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