Muster the troops!

Troops now mustard mustered.
Having seen both a phalaenopsis and a dendrobium threatening to flower so soon after I spotted the ludisia; I thought I'd muster the troops and check what was a foot.
Apart from 30 cm.
Huddled together - 11 plants. Three are small Sansevierias, none of which I've ever seen flower anywhere.
The remaining eight are threatening to flower in the foreseeable future or are currently flowering.
More or less clockwise, from 1:00
1. Phalaenopsis. - been at it for some weeks now.
Ignored - miniature sansevieria trifasciata.
2. Dendrobium - Showing "things" which I hope will become flowers.
3. Ludisia - Slowly stretching forth, as it has for some time now.
4. Sansevieria Ballyi - New to me, but about to flower.
5. Echeveria - been inching upwards and outwards for YONKS.
6. The first of the Schlumbergeras this year.
7. Recently acquired - Paphiopedilum, which I can never remember exactly how to spell; but I can spell Piddlipodlum, SO, if I search that I get to "here" where I know I'll find a correct spelling to copy.
8. Lurking at 00:00 the Phalaenopsis to blame for this shot, with about
1" / 25mm of flower spike visible.

I shall admit to a degree of chuffedness at lifting a Paphiopedilum flower from a better photo of it, and placing it on a better photo of the whole.
They will all now spread out a wee bit.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Cranston's Food Hall Butchery dept. are now offering a knife-sharpening service.
To render a Fire Service expression, almost acceptable:-
I have one I could "ride bare-bummed to London on"; so I thought, having now some stones in, I might be able to keep it sharp, but not, easily, get it sharp without a vast amount of work/time spent.
The extra indicates just how sharp it was at receipt.

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