Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

She's My Friend

I was very late getting the bird feeders hung out this morning and found this lady already looking for the nuts she expected to find on the ground. Amazingly she only moved a few feet away when she saw me come out with the feeders, and then waited while I went back in the house to get the seeds/nuts I would broadcast on the ground under the feeders. When I came back out, she watched strew the goodies - I swear she was only about 20 feet away from me - and then when I went into the house again she came back up onto the "lawn" (from where she'd retreated to on the driveway) and started hoovering up the peanuts. For some reason Bugsy, who was in the chair in the same room where I was standing with my camera, didn't realize he needed to rush out there to protect our property so she was able to eat in peace and I was able to take a huge number of photos of her. I am quite excited by how comfortable she seemed being so close to me. Of course, eventually Bugsy did chase her off... but I hope she'll be back soon!

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