Modern Times ...

I had to visit the University College Hospital in London today to see a Professor who studies Hypermobility Syndrome as I am suffering quite badly from this condition.

I woke up at 4.38am to get myself ready as we had to arrive at the train station for 6.57am to get to London in time for my appointment which was at 9.45am.

Eric and I are so tired, we have just got home.

There were alot of nice buildings near the hospital, but I liked this image and the angle which I took of the hospital.

I wonder if you can all do me a favour when I had to see the Professor about my Hypermobility Syndrome today he was a little concerned as to my height being 5ft 3 inches and my armsstrecthed out were 5 inches longer, he said this was quite common in Hypermobilty people but not normally that much longer, please could you measure your height and then your arms out stretched and see if they are both the same length asthey should do.

I want to see if it is only people with Hypermobility Syndrome who have longer arms. Thankyou all so much, plus it will stop Eric calling me a monkey, haha.

Eric was the same height as his arm width whichis normal, but Aaron and Kieran were also 3 - 5 inches longer in their arms. I know Jamie has Hypermobility Syndrome and we also are quite sure that Aaron has it also, we are waiting on tests to be done but I didnt know Kieran had it until this afternoon.

How depressing this condition can be at times.

I hope my boys dont suffer with the problems like I do and the pain at times, males dont normally get it as bad as females.

Thankyou Eric for coming with me to London

Loves ya Loads

Tracey xxx

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